8Ps of Air Cargo Marketing Mix is used in service marketing in any industry, this fact is also
true of air cargo marketing. Air cargo marketing specialists should be aware and in full understanding of the marketing environmental factors to both anticipate and cope with any threat in the marketplace and to avail of any opportunities that may exist.
to Air Cargo Marketing
Air cargo marketing,
involve the provision of the right air cargo service [ that meets customers' needs],
at the right price, at the right place and at the right time, and doing so at a
profit. There are many marketing definitions but I choose the simple one for you
to understand the basic marketing goal.
writing an air cargo marketing plan, the marketing specialists should review and
discuss many marketing factors called the 8Ps of service marketing mix which is
our subject. This article is the first article about the field of my university
degree subject [ Marketing and Production Management]. I hope that you find this
article informative.
What is the 8ps of marketing ?
The marketing mix is generally a preplan discussion or a set of actions that an air cargo company uses to promote itself in the market. Usually, the 8Ps of marketing mix includes eight marketing factors [ Product, Price, Place, Positioning, Promotion, people, Process, and Physical Evidence]. Now, I will start with the first P of the marketing mix:
1- Product
2- Price
3- Place
4- Promotion
Promotion is a "communication" process that air cargo companies communicate their value to the customers. Promoting your service, that will lead to service(brand) recognitions and further establishes an air cargo company's position in the marketplace. To promote air cargo services, you are going to use many promotion activities such as:
- Sales communication
- Advertising
- Personal selling
- Public relations etc.
How you promote your air cargo services and where is very important. Technology, the internet, social media marketing, and digital channel will inform your customers how " up to date" you are in your management style, promotional style, and your speed of doing business.
5- Positioning
Positioning refers to how you have or intended to position your company in the marketplace. You will answer the question " How your brand is positioned in the customer's mind?". Think of this, if your marketing is working, then the customers would identify with the same position statement your company projects. If no marketing, then you may be considered "too expensive" or "un-caring" or "a low-cost entity".
6- People
People are an important part of providing services. The fact is, to achieve your marketing goals, highly trained personnel must be in place throughout the company to manage every stage of a shipment movement. A highly qualified team can become the "product" the air cargo company will market to its customers. Without highly trained personnel the money spent on marketing would be wasted.
7- Process
The process as a setting a customer focus, with successful service planning and implementation. When the processes are tested, upgraded, and proven, then this too, can become a marketing point of difference. Without systems and proven processes in place, your well trained, capable team will not be able to deliver a good quality service.
8- Physical Evidence
Physical evidence means
the appearance of the service, it is the environment of service. It includes the
uniform of staff; the air cargo company has a high level of awards and office appliances.
But these are not more important physical evidence like answering the question of
" is the shipment arrived on time or not?".
In my
point of view, these 8Ps of marketing mix not enough if we apply it to air cargo
Because air cargo security
is the main operation factor to continuously shipping air cargo around the world.
If any security breach happened, it will affect the flow of air cargo and this will
affect customer satisfaction. The ninth marketing factor of air cargo is " Protection
Air cargo marketing is about making decisions about the type and level of service that the company should offer to the customer. The first step is making decisions regarding the 8Ps of marketing mix which I already mentioned.